Monday, August 15, 2011

Beauty in Books on Stairs

There is something so lovely about books on stairs. I absolutely love when staircases have to double as bookshelves. It says so much about a person and their home. When I find books lounging between railings I know I'm with kindred spirits. I see stories so important they need to be within arms reach, not on the shelf. These books are family.

When one has the need for books to rest on stairs, they understand life. They know what's important. Tidying up for company is not a priority. Reading is a priority. Learning is at the top of the list. The people within the books matter more than a clutter free stairway. If my books need to be on the stairs, it's because I need those people. I need them accessible, I need them close. They're a part of me. A part of my very soul. And, to put them away? I couldn't bear it. You may as well ask me to put my heart on the shelf.

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