Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beauty in Dirty Laundry

I'm not the biggest fan of doing laundry. It nears the top of my "chores I hate to do" list. I mean, the sorting, the loading, the transferring, the hanging, the folding... When does it all end?! I could try to make it easier, and do it more often. However, I find myself doing something I hate frequently. So I put it off, and wait. And wait. Now my pile is a dirty laundry mountain. I end up spending two days doing nothing but washing clothes. I can't win! There's no justice in the laundry world, I tell you!!

Well, today was the dreaded laundry day. I was running out of stuff to wear (that's usually when I finally bite the bullet). Wash, wash, wash. All day long. From the washer to the dryer time and time again. Sort, fold, hang. Repeat.

But now... I sit back and survey all of the hard (really not hard, I'm just a baby) work. And do you know what I realize? I have a lot of clothes. Warm clothes, cool clothes, fun clothes. Loads of things to wear. They're soft and they smell good.

There are many people who don't have this luxury. Some have to wash clothes without a washer or dryer. Others don't get to wash them at all.

Every laundry day that comes around, I roll my eyes at the amount of items that need cleaning. But, when all is said and done, I take a moment and reflect on what a blessing it is to have so much dirty laundry. I'm grateful for every dirty sock I own. I'm a fortunate person to have so many things to wear, and I'm very thankful that I have the opportunity to wash them.

Thank you, dirty laundry, for being a part of my life... and for being so beautiful.

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