Monday, August 22, 2011

Beauty in Girls with Mohawks

I am instantly jealous of any woman with a Mohawk. I wish I were brave enough to shave my hair like that, or even a fauxhawk. I just love them so much. You have to have confidence to commit to such a style. Such a sense of strength comes with the Mohawk. I wish I was courageous enough to pull off the look. I love the edgy-ness. I love the passion. I love fun. I love it all.

The Mohawk just says so much. It says "I'm powerful" and "I am who I am". I've never seen a girl with a Mohawk who looked ashamed of it. She's independent. She's in charge. No one pushes her around.

I also feel the Mohawk is timeless. They've been around for awhile, and they'll be around forever. Agreed? Yes, it's true. No matter where you go, you'll always find that "weird kid" with a Mohawk. And, that "weird kid" is probably more self assured than you'll ever know. They're not afraid of people judging them. Which, I might add, is more than commendable. How many times do we act thinking "I hope so-and-so doesn't think this or that of me" or "What will people say about me if I do yada yada". You see where I'm going with this, yes? I think I've let my thoughts run away with me... Where was I? Oh, right. The timeless Mohawk. I wonder if there will be a day when the Mohawk is no longer edgy, or a questionable look. There are always "crazy" hairstyles in distant future set movies. Maybe that just may be what happens. Everyone will have Mohawks, and the few who don't will be called rebels. On the flip side, though, I think the Mohawk loses a great deal of it's appeal that way. If the Mohawk were deemed "acceptable" it wouldn't be as respected, in my opinion.

In fact, just today I gave my dog a Mohawk. And, while it's not the best photo, she looks fantastic! She's like a canine super spy! I'm very proud.

The Mohawk is beautiful. There's no question about it for me. I don't have to think twice, or look again. It's gorgeous. When I see a girl with a Mohawk, not only am I proud of her confidence, I'm a tiny bit braver myself. She gives me courage. Her Mohawk inspires me.

1 comment:

  1. im like legit obsessed with my mohawk my school iis full of a bunch of followers em and my friend Angie wanted to show people that we are different and we'll alway be different and courageous my mohawk shows everybody who i really am. We are usually made fun of on a regular bases but that just makes us a stronger being brave will make life so much better.
